Gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics
Gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics

"Īn isuzu is a big old 4x4 i believe, hes out there fighting so that people can fill up there massive 4x4s to clog up the worlds atmospheresĪgain reference to his fighting for people back homes rights to safety and water and fuel for therecars.Demon Days is the second studio album by British virtual band Gorillaz. "I'm the reason you can fill up your Isuzu. He has to kill people as part of his job, he changes there location, and hes ordered to and he goes with it. Hes a peace-loving person but hes ready to fight for his country, a soldier The iraqis who have been bombed and abused constantly. Hes in iraq, in a violent place he needs a gun.

gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics

General CommentThis politics aside is a song from a soldier in iraqs point of view So to those that really want to, bitch all you want about my reasoning and back Bush up as much as you want, but just remember that this song speaks the painful truth, truth, that even to the most dedicated republican and Bush supporter, cannot be denied. all i do is dance, and im not helping anybody." he basically is saying, "im not helping with the sitiuation at all. he also thinks that by going in the military, he will be helping them, is false, for the most part.

gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics

the character in the songfeels that the iraqis need help. and yes, saddam did cause many to suffer, but if you look into bagdad's living conditions before we attacked, the majority of people there, as much as you might want to deny, were happy. this is the normal american view on the iraqis. but the character in this song thinks so. it wouldnt because iraq didnt have the capability to "harm" us or "take our freedom" before the war even started. but if you think about it, if our forces completely pulled out of the war in iraq, would we be at harm? would the US be attacked? would our freedom be taken? no. he thinks that the war in iraq is a war to help "protect our freedom" like many americans believe. its like a metaphor meaning "i need to join the military" basically, he feels he needs to join the military. i just want to add some things from my opinion that werent explained by him or anyone else that posted here. there is no doubt that this song is abut a soldier or "peacekeeper" in iraq. General Commenti agree with koshmar completely. This song basically sums up my feelings for the war, I hate the politicians, but i feel for the soldiers who had no choice but to follow orders. This whole verse is pretty self-explanatory, a street sweeper is a shotgun with a short barrel for a wide spread i believe, it's commonly used for "crowd control.Īnd i think the guy just wishes he could be happy again "remember when i used to dance" We "Americans" live our lives here and have the luxury of drinking water from a bottle while the soldiers drink from canteens. The soldiers are sent home in pine boxes. "I change the whole occasion to a pine box six-under " The troops are supposedly on a peace keeping mission. General CommentThere are many images and direct references in this song that lead me to believe it's about the soldiers stuck in Iraq. So said the speaker with the flight suit on I'm the reason why you flipped your soosa They can't conceal the hate that consumes you That seems limitless with no dropping pressure Strike and I'm thunder with lightning fast reflexes I change the whole occasion to a pine box six-under

gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics

Some are seeking and searching like me, moi

Gorillaz demon days album track list dirty darry lyrics